Category: Spirituality

Category: Spirituality

Category: Spirituality

When The Cycle Ends

Throughout our lives, we have all experienced different forms of closure. Romantic closures, professional closures, and yes, there are also spiritual closures. Where our involvement in a church or a school of spiritual evolution comes to an end. We h
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You Are a Miracle

Mystics and philosophers have to write in extremes. Emphasize the black from the white. They have to exaggerate in order to invoke profound change. In a way, they intend to shock your system. In the old days, Zen masters would slap the faces of their
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Spirituality Redefined

There has been a growing hunger in us all. A thirst for a deeper sense of knowing. The old ways of explaining the world around us no longer satisfy the depth of our craving. Archaic beliefs in myths and stories, in gods, and a mechanical system of ju
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Falling Off a Spiritual High

If there's one thing I've learned from over thirty years of spiritual seeking, it is the simplest truth - what goes up... must come down. Yes, I know, it's not groundbreaking mystical truth, but acknowledging the spiraling nature of spiritual growth
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Why Don’t We Just Ask for Help?

Helping each other and offering a helping hand is one of our innate tendencies and one of the principal characteristics of the human spirit. Why is it then, such a tremendous difficulty for us to ask for help or be happy to receive it? We've been tra
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Boundaries are Spiritual

If you follow any of the traditional, classic spiritual training schools, one of the foundational practices is the attempt to dissolve the personal will. To destroy the illusory ego. You'll be asked to fade the boundaries of self and dissolve into th
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Attaining Entitlement

Sometimes we forget. We forget how deeply we are entitled.We are entitled to be ourselves fully, unapologetically.To walk our own path, pave our own roads. Sometimes, we forget; we listen to the loud voice we call the other. In fear of judgment, in f
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World Wide Conflict

In the last few days, different people have been reaching out to me, asking for my opinion about political issues. For a mystic, politics is the most dangerous religion of all. For a mystic, to talk about politics is like wearing a Mets t-shirt and w
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Total Eclipse of the Heart

Soft implies hard, deep implies shallow, and yes, darkness implies light. Challenge, when observed with proper care, is nothing but a form of friction. Friction forms heat. Heat means life. We try to avoid pain, we try to walk away from challenge, an
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Kai Karrel is a spiritual teacher, a practicing medium, and the Founder of the Celestial Heart Church. He advocates for the sacramental usage of entheogenic plant medicine in support of spiritual development and the evolution of consciousness. He is also the author of Prayerful Heart, a channeled book of invocations and prayers planned to be published later this year. Kai lives with his beloved wife, Jade, in Tulare, California.