Seven Angelic Rays

Seven Angelic Rays

Upcoming Webinar: Wednesday, November 20th, 6:00-8:00pm

About this Class

This master class, dedicated to the esoteric study of the Seven Angelic Rays, carries profound mystical teachings that have been at the core of many mystical schools and esoteric initiatic orders. More than only studying the essence of each ray and the Archangel at its core, we will understand the "irradiation" or influence these energies have on our lives, learn to invoke these powers, and understand the process of "Angelification," or awakening as understood by these mystical teachings. The Seven Angelic Rays are believed to emanate directly from the divine source, each representing a specific aspect of the divine and carrying unique energies and vibrations. The study and understanding of these rays is considered to be a path to spiritual enlightenment and self-awareness. 

We'll also explore and study the Archeiai, often referred to as the divine counterparts or the feminine equivalent of the Archangels. They represent each Angelic ray and hold their own distinctive vibrations, contributing to the divine energetic balance. Each Archeia, radiating with a unique angelic quality, complements her respective Archangel.

The Seven Angelic Rays hold immense power and potential for transformation. By delving into the study of each ray, we uncover the hidden aspects of ourselves and gain a deeper understanding of our purpose and journey in this world. The main focus of our exploration is how these Seven Angelic Rays influence our character and behavior in our daily lives. By learning about the specific attributes of each ray and how they relate to our human personality traits, we begin to identify their dominant influence in our lives. This understanding enables us to consciously connect with these divine energies, enriching our journey of spiritual self-discovery.

This class is aimed at serious spiritual seekers who wish to explore the study of the astral and the profound process of soul evolution.
If you wish to unravel mystical truths and grasp the profound wisdom of the cosmos, then this journey into the enigmatic world of the Seven Angelic Rays is for you.